Be in the know. 20 key reads for Sunday…

  1. The ETF Tax Dodge Is Wall Street’s “Dirty Little Secret” (Bloomberg)
  2. Artificial Intelligence Stocks To Buy And Watch Amid Rising AI Competition (Investor’s Business Daily)
  3. How the Dow Spinoff Could Unlock Value and Offer a Rich Dividend (Barron’s)
  4. Fed’s Quarles says more rate hikes could be ahead ‘at some point’ as economy improves (CNBC)
  5. The U.S. Military Is Hiring Palantir to Build Battlefield AI (Futurism)
  6. The Mueller report will be released to the public by mid-April (VOX)
  7. How Neurofeedback Is Revolutionizing Stress Management (Medium)
  8. A small child tried to fight Gritty (Mashable)
  9. What “Machiavellian” really means (Ted Talk)
  10. An Indicator In The Hand (NPR Planet Money)
  11. In the face of adversity, are you a Guernsey or a Brahman? (Farnam street)
  12. Theresa May’s Third Brexit Loss Closes More Doors (The New Yorker)
  13. The Trumpification of the Fed (Vanity Fair)
  14. George Dantzig: The real Will Hunting (Big Think)
  15. Military Tries Out Fish as Underwater Spies (Scientific American)
  16. Just say no? (The Irrelevant Investor)
  17. Why An MMT Advocate Became One of Its Loudest Critics (Podcast) (Bloomberg)
  18. Notable Investors Dump Micron on Bleak Outlook (Whale Wisdom)
  19. Even hedge funds investing in Lyft don’t believe in its long-term prospects (recode)
  20. 13 Strangest Unsolved Mysteries of the Art World (Reader’s Digest)

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