Be in the know. 7 key reads for Tuesday…

  1. Demand for Saudi Aramco Bonds Sails Past the Goal (New York Times)
  2. U.S. threatens tariffs on European wine and cheese in response to Airbus subsidies (MarketWatch)
  3. Fed Moves to Ease Living Wills, Allowing Large Banks to File Wind-Down Plans Less Frequently (Wall Street Journal)
  4. Potential U.S. auto tariffs would hurt Germany, Japan, Korea: Moody’s (Reuters)
  5. March Small Business Optimism Stalls on Weak Outlook for Economic Growth (24/7 Wall Street)
  6. 8 Levels of Financial Freedom (Forbes)
  7. Daniel Loeb’s Third Point hedge fund building a stake to pressure Sony, sources say (last time George Clooney wasn’t happy about it) (Japan Times)